FAQ (40 Hard)

Who can join the 40 Hard Challenge?

Anyone! Everyone! We are a community whose primary purpose is to serve and build camaraderie with fellow moms. This challenge is shared to encourage and provide accountability to our mommy community, however, we happily extend the invite to anyone looking to accept a challenge - dads included.

When does the 40 Hard Challenge start and end?

You can start the challenge at anytime. We will announce when we will start the challenge again as a group.

What are the rules?

Rules are as follows:

  • Follow a Protein rich diet

  • One hour workout a day (must include 30 min of cardio)

  • Consume one gallon of water a day

  • NO alcohol

  • 10 minutes of meditation each day

  • Set a weekly affirmation for yourself

  • Take daily progress pictures

  • Tag and follow @itsshevybaby @followthelita and the @bounceforwardclub instagram accounts. Use #40Hard #TheBounceForward hashtags

Are there workouts I can follow during the 40 Hard challenge?

If you are a member of our Bounce Forward club you will have access to both Shev and Lita’s shared daily workouts and full access to our on-demand workout library for the entirety of your membership.

If you are not a member, you will not have access to these workouts.

Can I start the challenge at any time?

You are welcome to join the 40 Hard Challenge at any time. This is your journey towards bettering your health and it should never be put off.